Welcome to Vishwabharathi High School


Through our all encompassing dash of information on your youngster’s life, we cautiously select the scholarly components that incorporate the advancement of your tyke on a physical, mental and moral stage of learning encounters. With over three decades in the administration of training, we have summed up our vision proclamation in these words, “Magnificence in instruction and All-Round Development.”

Our Approach

With our plan to give long haul answers for scholastic difficulties, we imagine, drive ahead and attempt for all understudies to procure information and abilities to advance feasible improvement and future ways of life. This incorporates upholding for human rights, advancing a culture of harmony and peacefulness. Likewise, gaining a more profound comprehension of worldwide citizenship, energy about social decent variety and of culture’s commitment to supportable improvement

Skill Training

We always embrace the piece of good showing works on, guaranteeing that our teachers are all around outfitted in adapting to the difficulties to unequivocally incorporate center substance. This is made conceivable by fusing through showing aptitudes certifiable issues that are brought into core interest. For this, we additionally utilize computerized instruments and assets to help instructing rehearses.

Scholastic preparing through the correct technique

‘For each kid has the directly to instruction that will enable them to encounter the shifted domains of significant and successful information.’ We have in this manner gained the best of showing aptitudes for our instructors. The teaching techniques connected through correspondence and joint effort, inventiveness and advancement, through basic reasoning and critical thinking will decidedly enable your tyke to get familiar with the correct way.

Quality Education

We always embrace the piece of good showing works on, guaranteeing that our teachers are all around outfitted in adapting to the difficulties to unequivocally incorporate center substance. This is made conceivable by fusing through showing aptitudes certifiable issues that are brought into core interest. For this, we additionally utilize computerized instruments and assets to help instructing rehearses.

Scholastic preparing through the correct technique.

‘For each kid has the directly to instruction that will enable them to encounter the shifted domains of significant and successful information.’ We have in this manner gained the best of showing aptitudes for our instructors. The teaching techniques connected through correspondence and joint effort, inventiveness and advancement, through basic reasoning and critical thinking will decidedly enable your tyke to get familiar with the correct way.

Our Teachers

Our scholastic greatness is conveyed forward by our very prepared and qualified educators who likewise profoundly relate to our vision. The staff individuals are picked after a thorough choice procedure. As a feature of our different expertise preparing programs, we likewise confer extraordinary preparing to our educators all the time to keep them refreshed about more current patterns in the instructing technique. We trust that instructors are giving learning as well as go about as good examples who need to show characteristics of a pioneer with the goal that the understudies are impacted emphatically.